P.S. I did it again

… broke the fork, that is!! As my daughter Clara observes, “Mummy is insanely strong!”…


About Ruth Paris

Leadership & executive coach, based in Stamford UK.
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4 Responses to P.S. I did it again

  1. Or determined 🙂 See it this way, the weakness in the fork may have protected you from straining a muscle.
    I exhausted myself battling bamboo yesterday, an invasive species my former neighbour planted. I’m trying to curb its spread. Any advice is welcome.


  2. Ruthie says:

    Thanks for the reframe!
    Regarding invasive bamboo, the RHS advice is practical: https://www.rhs.org.uk/advice/profile?pid=210. It’s a real problem, often stemming (if you’ll excuse the pun) from ignorance.


  3. Best way to keep bamboo back is to dig around the clump and set a sheet of black plastic sheeting in the path of the roots has to be 50 cms deep to really stop it growing on…. also ,a bit more dramatic is cut just below a knuckle on the stem, then fill up the hollow with toxic RoundUp…. it takes 3 weeks but it works. I diluted it slightly with water, and put some earth over the hole so no bird could drink it ……. horrible poison but bamboo is a tough one.


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